Transform the way you think about pavement.
Creating Green, Eco-Friendly Hard Surfaces, Pavement Pads and Roadways
Specially formulated for Road Building
DirtGlue® Industrial acrylic polymer emulsion is a powerful, high-tech bonding agent specifically engineered to bond soil particles together for road building. A non-hazardous, water-soluble product, DirtGlue® Industrial polymer contains no harmful chemicals, will not adversely affect people, animals or aquatic life, and even though it has incredible strength, it is environmentally clean. So it can be applied with confidence to even the most environmentally sensitive areas, such as wetland buffer zones.
A cement and asphalt pavement replacement, at a fraction of the cost.
High UV stability making it long lasting
Proprietary formulation, non-Vinyl base
Reduced water absorbtion ‹5%
Non-hazardous and non-toxic
Ideal for use in environmentally sensitive areas
For use in rural roads, driveways and Hardstand areas
Paths for council, golf courses and cycleways
Construction of BMX tracks, bike and walking trails
Landscaping and garden construction
Oil and Gas soil stability projects, dike wall support, retaining pond liners
Environmentally approved
DirtGlue® Industrial Polymer (DIP) is a proprietary polymer liquid that's been approved by numerous environmental quality boards, including California Water Quality Control Board, Texas Department of Transportation (DOT) and ATEC, the military equivalent of OSHA. Once applied appropriately to a surface and compacted, the molecules lock together like a glue, forming a solid barrier that prevents liquid passage and allows for walking or light vehicle traffic. UV stable, this product will last numerous years when applied correctly.
Long lasting
Most other polymer dust control products on the market use vinyl acetate copolymers. DirtGlue® Industrial polymer uses a proprietary polymer additive / mix (with no vinyl acetate copolymers) that offers greater UV stability and much better hydrophobicity. This insures each DirtGlue® Industrial polymer application keeps working long after other products fail.
Exceptional results
DirtGlue® Industrial polymer is mechanically mixed into the road surface aggregate binding with the soil to form a tough durable three dimensional matrix that functions like asphalt. This matrix is sufficiently robust and durable that it makes great vehicle driving surfaces, including roads, parking lots, golf cart paths, and driveways.
Easy Application
Prior to commencing application the area should have all drainage issues addressed such that no water will flow across or under the application except through appropriate drainage systems. As with any road or pathway, the base must be stable and well compacted prior to placing aggregate for treatment with DirtGlue® polymer.
If the base contains clay then it should be suitably treated (TerraDry®, lime, fly ash, Portland cement, removed and replaced with rock) as a proper base. Lay the proper aggregate at 2-4" deep.
The aggregate base layer should be water wetted prior to commencement to ensure proper capillary action, pulling the DirtGlue® Industrial into the aggregate.
Prior to use, please review the product Safety Datasheets (SDS) and wear proper personal protection equipment (PPE). While products are safe, we strongly encourage you to wear work boots, eye protection, proper gloves, as you’re working with stable solvents and very adhesive products.
Apply DirtGlue® Industrial polymer at recommended rate* to the wettened soil or aggregate.
Once the DirtGlue® Industrial is applied to the aggregate, mix it into the aggregate very thoroughly (as if mixing mortar or concrete). Depending on the size of the job a hand rake, power rake or soil stabilizer may be used.
Continue mixing until all of the aggregate has the liquid (polymer and water) distributed throughout evenly (a power rake or full depth reclamator is very effective for this if the area is large).
Once the liquid is completely and evenly mixed into the aggregate, compact using compaction equipment appropriate for the size of the project, such as hand tamper or roller.
Ensure that the finished surface is sloped or crowned (whichever appropriate) so as to drain properly and be sure that the edges are slopes so as to have the drainage continue to move away from the treated surface and not run back under the treated surface.
Do NOT make applications when rain is imminent within 36 hours.
The above road building system will create a road that functions and has similar lifespan to asphalt.
DirtGlue® Industrial polymer is the ideal polymer for building hard driving surfaces by mixing it with proper aggregates.
*Recommended rate is 0.035 gal/sqft/in and assumes low plasticity soils