Return on Your Investment

Price and Performance

DirtGlue® Industrial is non-vinyl, meaning it is climate and UV resistant versus alternative polymer products.  When properly applied, DirtGlue® Industrial has equal or longer lifecycle than asphalt.   

When DirtGlue® Industrial, the cement alternative, is mixed with TerraDry™ and proper aggregate, the resulting pavement pad has compression strength rating exceeding 4,000 psi!

Contact Chem Solutions to discuss our turnkey, complete installation packages, with most jobs over 1,000 square feet completed for under $3.00/sqft. 

Products are available in custom packaging, as well as:

Price varies per product but up to 30%+ cheaper than Portland cement installation, with ability for one gallon to cover ~25 square feet depending on project and stability requirements.*   

Contact us today for a quote to meet your specific job application.