Staging Area & Driveway Upgrade

An industrial warehouse with a gravel drive experiences heavy industrial trucks daily, causing dust, fines generation and ultimately was a poor driving surface in need of repair.  The customer evaluated the expensive concrete options and sought a more economical solution, without sacrificing pavement performance.  

DirtGlue® Industrial Polymer was the ideal solution!

Using a local water source, tractor, box blade, and vibrating roller, a hardened, 2,500 sqft DirtGlue pavement took only two hours to apply, leaving a strong, finished surface that will last years. 

This DirtGlue® Industrial pavement, when properly compacted is rated for 4,000+ psi compression and absorbs less than 4% water, allowing for long life cycle and stability. 

Approximately 2-3 inches of existing gravel drive was tilled using a tractor and boxblade.

A tote of DirtGlue was utilized.  A pump was connected to hose for easy application.

Water was sprayed on the tilled surface to moderately soak the surface. 

Both water and DirtGlue were sprayed on the surface.  This was applied in Texas on a 90 degF day. 

Due to size of job, a tractor with a box blade was used to till, mix and level the surface. 

DirtGlue is sprayed as a liquid and has a blue sheen for ease of application.  The final product dries clear, with no residue. 

Three thin layers were sprayed and mixed into the three inches of tilled drive.  

The consistency of the mixed soil was slightly wet but not quite a slurry. 

A vibrating roller was utilized to compact the surface.  It's imperative the DirtGlue is both mixed thoroughly and compacted. 

Two passes were completed.  A rain storm arrived, which caused the surface to become wetter than desired.  This resulted in slight sticking to the roller. 

After drying for 72 hours, the drive was hard as anticipated, similar finish and feel as concrete. 

Finished DirtGlue pavement.  The rainstorm caused inability to ensure smooth finish, which is normally desired result. 

The DirtGlue pavement looks natural, allows for heavy traffic and will be there for years to come.